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Trudeau reaffirms Canada’s commitment to Ukraine at Summit on Peace

Lucerne, Switzerland – Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced a significant $52.4 million aid package for Ukraine during the Summit on Peace in Ukraine held in Lucerne, Switzerland over the weekend. This announcement comes amidst escalating tensions fueled by Russia’s ongoing invasion of Ukraine, which has plunged millions into humanitarian crisis and left crucial infrastructure in ruins.

Canada’s aid commitment is structured to address urgent humanitarian needs and bolster Ukraine’s resilience in the face of aggression. Trudeau highlighted key allocations:

  • Humanitarian Aid: $15 million will support vulnerable children, youth, and displaced individuals returning to Ukraine, focusing on improved child protection services and family-based care options. Additional funds will aid survivors of war crimes and enhance awareness about missing persons.
  • Energy Infrastructure: Recognizing the recent attacks on Ukraine’s energy facilities, Canada pledges $20 million to restore damaged infrastructure, ensuring civilians regain access to electricity, water, and heat.
  • Rebuilding and Economic Support: $15.4 million will assist Ukraine in economic reforms and readiness for EU accession, alongside efforts to clear explosive remnants of war from Ukrainian territory. Technical assistance in justice and energy sectors is also part of this initiative.
  • Nuclear Safety: Amid concerns over the security of Ukraine’s nuclear facilities, Canada commits $2 million to uphold their safe operations through the International Atomic Energy Agency.

During the summit, Trudeau chaired discussions focusing on the human dimension of the conflict, emphasizing inclusivity in Ukraine’s Peace Formula. He underscored Canada’s role in the International Coalition for the Return of Ukrainian Children, launching the #BringKidsBack Communications Network to facilitate safe returns for forcibly displaced children.

The summit culminated in a joint statement reaffirming global solidarity for Ukraine’s sovereignty and condemning any threats to use nuclear weapons. Leaders stressed the humanitarian imperative of returning prisoners of war and displaced civilians to their homes in Ukraine.

In his address, Trudeau reaffirmed Canada’s unwavering support: “Russia’s full-scale invasion has had devastating effects on Ukrainians, from forced displacement to the illegal deportation of children. Canada stands united with international partners in supporting a just and lasting peace for Ukraine. To those bravely defending their homeland, know that our support will endure until victory.”

The Canadian aid package underscores a commitment to alleviate immediate hardships and bolster Ukraine’s long-term recovery amidst ongoing conflict. As the international community rallies behind Ukraine, Canada remains steadfast in its humanitarian and strategic support.

GTA Today will continue to follow developments in Ukraine and Canada’s role in international efforts. Stay updated with us for the latest news.

Alwin Marshall-Squire

Alwin Marshall-Squire is the Editor-in-Chief of GTA Today and serves as the Parliament Hill Reporter covering Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his cabinet. With a commitment to accurate and timely news coverage, Marshall-Squire brings depth and insight to the forefront of Canadian journalism. For feedback, reach out at

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