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Ontario Government Invests $200 Million in New and Upgraded Sports Facilities

In a bid to bolster community engagement and promote active lifestyles, the Ontario government has announced a substantial investment of up to $200 million over the course of three years towards the development and enhancement of sports and recreation facilities across the province.

The newly established Community Sport and Recreation Infrastructure Fund, unveiled as part of the 2024 Budget, aims to revitalize existing facilities and construct state-of-the-art replacements where needed. Premier Doug Ford emphasized the significance of this initiative, stating, “Ontario’s new Community Sport and Recreation Infrastructure Fund will transform and expand recreational facilities across the province, creating jobs and fostering healthier and more active lifestyles for families.”

This investment comes at a crucial time as Ontario’s population continues to grow, with a focus on ensuring that communities have access to modernized amenities that cater to their evolving needs. Minister of Tourism, Culture and Sport, Neil Lumsden, highlighted the multifaceted benefits of the fund, stating, “Not only will families benefit from better access to places to play, modern sport and recreation facilities will allow communities to host provincial, national and international events and competitions, attracting more visitors and good-paying jobs.”

Applications for funding will be open to municipalities, Indigenous communities, and non-profit organizations, with further details regarding eligibility and guidelines set to be provided in Summer 2024. Minister of Finance, Peter Bethlenfalvy, emphasized the importance of these facilities in fostering community well-being, stating, “Our government will continue building the infrastructure needed to support growing communities, and investing in the well-being of children, families and seniors across the province.”

The Community Sport and Recreation Infrastructure Fund is anticipated to have a significant impact on Ontario’s economy, with the sport and recreation sector estimated to have contributed $2.6 billion in 2021 and accounting for approximately 38,000 jobs.


This investment by the Ontario government reflects a proactive approach to addressing the needs of communities across the province. By prioritizing the development and enhancement of sports and recreation facilities, the government is not only fostering healthier lifestyles but also creating opportunities for economic growth and community engagement. As the population continues to grow, initiatives like the Community Sport and Recreation Infrastructure Fund are essential for ensuring that Ontarians of all ages have access to modernized and inclusive recreational spaces. This investment underscores the government’s commitment to building stronger, more vibrant communities for the future.

Samantha Deschamps

Samantha Deschamps serves as the Queens Park Reporter, offering insightful coverage of provincial politics with depth and accuracy. With a keen understanding of legislative intricacies, Deschamps provides invaluable perspectives on matters affecting Ontario. For inquiries or feedback, contact Samantha at

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