Community NewsToronto

Toronto Fire Services Celebrates Graduation of 104 New Firefighters

Toronto – In a ceremony filled with pride and anticipation, Toronto Fire Services (TFS) on Friday welcomed 104 new Operations Firefighters into its ranks. The event, held at the TFS training academy, was attended by Mayor Olivia Chow, Councillor Paula Fletcher (Toronto-Danforth), and Toronto Fire Chief Matthew Pegg.

These recruits have successfully completed an intensive 18-week training program, earning professional qualifications as Operations Firefighters, Fire Prevention Inspectors, and Public Educators. Their training adheres to the rigorous standards set by the National Fire Protection Association, ensuring they are well-prepared to handle a variety of emergencies, including fires, medical emergencies, rescues, and hazardous materials incidents.

Mayor Olivia Chow expressed her gratitude and admiration for the new firefighters, saying, “I’d like to congratulate and welcome these new Operations Firefighters to the City’s incredible frontline emergency services. We are grateful for their dedication and commitment to public safety. I would like to extend my thanks to the new recruits who will protect and save the lives of Toronto residents, visitors, and businesses.”

Chief Matthew Pegg echoed these sentiments, acknowledging the hard work and dedication of the graduates. “On behalf of the Toronto Fire Services Command Team, I offer my congratulations to each graduate and their families. These recruit firefighters have successfully completed an intensive 18-week training program, preparing for the challenges associated with emergency response in North America’s 4th largest city. I am confident each graduating firefighter will serve the residents of Toronto with courage, compassion, and service in all they do.”

The new firefighters are now ready to join TFS, the largest fire service in Canada and Toronto’s only all-hazards emergency response organization. TFS provides comprehensive fire protection services, including public education, fire prevention, Ontario Fire Code enforcement, and emergency response. With these new additions, TFS aims to enhance its service levels and increase the number of fire code inspections conducted across the city.

The City of Toronto, the largest city in North America with a fire service accredited by the Commission on Fire Accreditation International (CFAI), continues to set high standards in fire safety and emergency response. This new class of firefighters is expected to play a crucial role in maintaining and elevating these standards, ensuring the safety and well-being of all Toronto residents.

As these 104 new Operations Firefighters embark on their careers, they carry with them the skills, knowledge, and dedication required to meet the diverse challenges of firefighting in a bustling metropolis. Their graduation marks not only the end of an intensive training period but also the beginning of a vital public service career dedicated to protecting the lives and property of Toronto’s citizens.

GTA Today congratulates the new graduates and looks forward to their contributions to the safety and security of our community.


Kelly Deschamps is the dedicated City Hall Reporter, bringing forth the pulse of municipal affairs with precision and clarity. With an astute eye for detail and a passion for uncovering the stories that shape urban life, Deschamps delivers comprehensive coverage of local governance. For inquiries or feedback, contact Kelly at

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