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G7 Leaders Condemn Iran’s Attack on Israel, Vow Support and Stability

In a resolute statement issued from Ottawa, Ontario, the leaders of the Group of Seven (G7) nations have strongly denounced Iran’s recent attack on Israel. The attack, described as “direct and unprecedented,” saw Iran launching hundreds of drones and missiles toward Israel, only to be thwarted with the assistance of Israel’s allies.

Expressing unwavering solidarity with Israel and its people, the G7 leaders underscored their commitment to Israel’s security. The statement, released on April 14, 2024, condemned Iran’s actions as a significant step toward further destabilization of the already volatile region.

The G7 nations, comprising Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States, emphasized the urgent need to prevent a wider escalation of hostilities. They called upon Iran and its proxies to halt all attacks immediately, warning of potential further measures in response to any destabilizing initiatives.

Furthermore, the leaders pledged to enhance cooperation in resolving the crisis in Gaza. This includes ongoing efforts to secure a lasting ceasefire and the safe release of hostages held by Hamas. Additionally, the G7 affirmed their commitment to providing increased humanitarian aid to Palestinians in need.

Commenting on the statement, political analysts have noted the significance of the G7’s unified stance against Iran’s aggression. The condemnation underscores the gravity of the situation and the potential ramifications for regional stability. It also signals the determination of the international community to address ongoing conflicts and humanitarian crises in the Middle East.

The latest developments highlight the complex geopolitical dynamics at play and the continued importance of diplomatic efforts to de-escalate tensions and promote peace in the region.


The G7’s condemnation of Iran’s attack on Israel reflects a unified front among some of the world’s most influential nations. This statement not only reaffirms their support for Israel’s security but also sends a clear message to Iran and other actors in the region about the consequences of destabilizing actions.

The call for an immediate ceasefire and humanitarian assistance in Gaza demonstrates a commitment to addressing the broader humanitarian crisis in the region. However, achieving lasting peace will require sustained diplomatic efforts and cooperation from all parties involved.

As tensions remain high, the international community must remain vigilant and proactive in pursuing diplomatic solutions to prevent further escalation of conflict and promote stability in the Middle East.

Alwin Marshall-Squire

Alwin Marshall-Squire is the Editor-in-Chief of GTA Today and serves as the Parliament Hill Reporter covering Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his cabinet. With a commitment to accurate and timely news coverage, Marshall-Squire brings depth and insight to the forefront of Canadian journalism. For feedback, reach out at

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