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Ontario Proposes $77 Million to Support Municipalities with OPP Costs

TORONTOThe Ontario government has announced a proposal to provide over $77 million in financial relief to municipalities impacted by increased costs of Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) services. This initiative aims to assist small and rural communities in managing the financial burden stemming from the collective bargaining agreement reached between the province and the Ontario Provincial Police Association (OPPA) in July 2024.

Solicitor General Michael Kerzner emphasized the province’s commitment to supporting local governments and law enforcement. “Our government is working closely with our municipal partners and our women and men in uniform to keep communities across Ontario safe,” he said. “The financial relief we are proposing will help municipal leaders balance their budgets and invest in their communities while ensuring no change to the policing provided by the OPP that keeps families and businesses safe.”

The proposed measures include:

  • A 3.75% reduction in billing based on 2023 total reconciled costs.
  • A 44% reduction in billing for 2023 reconciled overtime costs.
  • A 10% reduction in amounts invoiced for 2025 policing costs.

This financial support is designed to ease the pressure on local budgets while maintaining essential public safety services.

In addition to this relief, the province will continue its annual $125 million Court Security & Prisoner Transportation Transfer Payment Program in 2025. This funding supports municipalities with the costs of court security and the transportation of prisoners.

The Ontario government also plans to review the OPP billing model to ensure it meets the evolving needs of municipalities.

These proposed measures reflect the government’s effort to address the challenges faced by small and rural communities, ensuring they can continue to invest in local priorities without compromising safety.

Samantha Deschamps

Samantha Deschamps serves as the Queens Park Reporter, offering insightful coverage of provincial politics with depth and accuracy. With a keen understanding of legislative intricacies, Deschamps provides invaluable perspectives on matters affecting Ontario. For inquiries or feedback, contact Samantha at samantha.deschamps@gtaweekly.ca.

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