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Ontario Observes Fifth Annual Day of Action on Litter

TORONTO — Today marks the fifth annual Provincial Day of Action on Litter in Ontario, a momentous occasion celebrated across the province to address one of the most pressing environmental issues facing communities. Minister of the Environment, Conservation and Parks, Andrea Khạnjin, delivered a statement applauding the efforts of individuals, groups, and businesses in combatting litter and preserving the natural beauty of Ontario.

Since its inception five years ago, the Day of Action on Litter has galvanized over three million participants on social media and mobilized hundreds of volunteers to partake in community cleanups. Minister Khạnjin highlighted the significance of this collective effort, stressing the importance of maintaining clean neighborhoods, parks, and waterways for the well-being of current and future generations.

The Ontario government’s commitment to addressing litter is evident through its investment of over $2.4 million in community-based projects. These initiatives, carried out in collaboration with organizations such as Pollution Probe, Boating Ontario Association, and Toronto Region Conservation Authority, have included shoreline cleanups and the implementation of preventive measures like plastic capture devices at marinas.

In her statement, Minister Khạnjin underscored the importance of fostering a sense of environmental stewardship among Ontario’s youth, emphasizing the need for a clean and healthy environment for all children to grow up in.

As part of the Day of Action on Litter, Minister Khạnjin encouraged Ontarians to join together with their families, friends, and neighbors to participate in local cleanup activities. By sharing their actions on social media using the hashtag #actONlitter, citizens can inspire others to take part in preserving the province’s natural landscapes.


The fifth annual Provincial Day of Action on Litter serves as a reminder of the collective responsibility we all bear in safeguarding our environment. Minister Khạnjin’s statement highlights the progress made over the years in raising awareness about litter and mobilizing communities to take action. The investment in community-based projects underscores the government’s commitment to finding sustainable solutions to environmental challenges.

As residents of the Greater Toronto Area, it’s imperative that we actively participate in initiatives like the Day of Action on Litter to ensure the cleanliness and health of our communities. By coming together and engaging in cleanup efforts, we not only contribute to a cleaner environment but also set an example for future generations to follow. Let’s seize this opportunity to make a positive impact on our surroundings and preserve the natural beauty of Ontario for years to come.

Samantha Deschamps

Samantha Deschamps serves as the Queens Park Reporter, offering insightful coverage of provincial politics with depth and accuracy. With a keen understanding of legislative intricacies, Deschamps provides invaluable perspectives on matters affecting Ontario. For inquiries or feedback, contact Samantha at samantha.deschamps@gtaweekly.ca.

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